Audition for Web Series

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TITLE: The Ninja Saga

STORY: A seemingly innocent decision made during a final exam will impact the paths of two students, sending them in opposite directions, but ensuring they meet up again.


OFFER: Copy, Credit and Meals.


GEORGE RENTAHS NINJA: 20,s-30,s, wears casual clothes and still wears a red headband he received upon graduating from the Southern California Ninja Academy. While versed in martial arts, he is fit but not overly athletic. Like Popeye and his spinach, George seems never to be far from Pepsi.

JOANNA LANWEAVE: is slim and trim, in her mid-20’s. While she could be a model, she is more than able to take care of herself. Her actual job of soda distributor keeps her in shape. Her clothes fit her without, overkill of showing to much or not enough.

C.H.I.P: Computerized Homing Insect Program. Built by the same mad man who developed the EX Computer systems. Chip became self-aware and went above his programming. The part is VOICE OVER only but shown on screen as insect like in appearance.

EX-2000: VOICE OVER, the most human sounding of the EXCLAMATION SYSTEM COMPUTERS, these systems run the automated systems in San Diego Towers, the latest, greatest high rise complex to date. This is role 1 of 6, same person.

COURT DEMON: George’s cousin, roughly the same age and prefers logic over jokes but does have a sense of humor. More athletically fit looking then George or Reggie as well.

REGINOLD TIMOTHY: “Reggie” is George’s younger by only a year brother. Can hold his own athletically he’ll be glad to have any physical activity behind him instead he’d rather be reading a book or writing the next American classic.

ADAM LEE: Mid 40’s dressed in pale blue, with a dark blue headband, looks to be a little older than his students, and in great physical shape. Some speculate he is related to Bruce Lee but no proof is offered.

CALVIN RIBALD: Early 20’s, not the most athletic student, but up till now had been getting by. But unfortunately for him is more mouth then muscle, thus fails the final training exercise and fails out of the academy as well.

LEONARD: VOICE OVER character whom guides George in additional skills he will need to undertake in order to survive the challenges that await him in life outside the academy.

PROFESSOR LARRY NEADLY: Mid 30’s-40’s, with hair out of place he might pass for a younger Kramer (Seinfeld). As an English teacher at the academy he gets respect by giving respect, yet still knows he has control at all times.

EXTRAS: 3 BOYS No younger than 8 no older than 15. One with line of dialogue.

JON RILEY, Late 30’s to 50’s, Owner of Riley’s Market. Looks big enough to be a chain supermarket but he runs it as if he knows every customer personally. He tries to find good in everyone.

ROGER, Late teens to early 20’s. Is one of the clerks working in a Riley’s Market.

COREY MCAIRE, early 20’s waste of a life. A former employee of Riley’s who drinks, amazingly has a girlfriend who is a judge (only reason he’s not in jail) and he’s got a short temper. Occasionally has a brain, too bad it isn’t used more.

THREE POLICE OFFICERS: OFFICER JENKINS, male, mid 20’s in shape. OFFICER PRESSTON, female, mid 20’s fit and looks fresh out of the academy. OFFICER SANFORD, mid 30’s overdue for a promotion.

JUDGE KRISTEN ADAMS, (Age determined by part.) Made a name for herself as a D.A. but now coasting as a judge. Sees fit to make law rather than interpret what is currently on the books. She firmly believes ignorance of the laws are poor excuses at best.

DAN HILLMAN, mid 30’s-40’s. A public defender attorney who wears nice looking suits and actually listens and responds to his clients.

DEPUTY DeLINSO, mid 30’s. His eyes are hidden by sunglasses extremely dark or mirrored, and his uniform is a size too small for him and his hat a size to big. Possible slight accent. All talk, only tough when he feels he has the backup. Is an extreme kiss up to the warden.

DEPUTY MITCHELL, late 30’s, heavy set guard. Has no apparent control over the volume of his voice.

DEPUTY PETE SNAGER, mid 30’s, a smaller and clean cut individual by comparison of the other inmates and guards. Calm and at peace, he tries to have the inmates under his supervision act the same way.

DAVID “DAVE” FLOOR, mid 60’s, a man with gray hair who is George’s cell mate. He also will show him the ropes.

BEN COOPER, mid 20’s, a new inmate who seems normal enough.

WARDEN JOSEPH GREGZANNA, late 50’s, slightly overweight and always looks very upset. Unlike DeLinso he would never back down and would not hesitate to kill anyone except the prison priest who scares him to death.

DONALD “DON” GOODMAN, late 60’s another of the long term inmates who knows it’s better to advise the newer inmates and just go with the flow.

MARK KARTH, late 20’s-30’s and Don’s roommate, not to bright so DeLinso has him doing every lousy job he can think of. Alas Mark’s too dumb to even realize he’s being punished.

FATHER O’BAILEY, mid 40’s-early 50’s. A small man, whom by his mere presence seems to relax the inmates and agitates the guards. When he speaks it is with purpose and an Irish or Scottish accent.

GOVERNOR CALHOON MEXIS male, VOICE OVER ONLY, must be a strong voice to compensate for not being able to see him.

MICHAEL ROSEMAN, mid 30’s, a casually dressed, happy-go-lucky, average looking man. George’s parole officer. Not afraid to kiss up to his wife if he feels he is going to be in trouble.

SARA ROSEMAN, mid 30’s, the better half of the married couple. Also the true brains of the two. Not afraid to speak her mind. Always dressed to impress.

CHRIS O’SHER, late 20’s, a small surfer dude, stereotypical representation of the California beach goer.

BEAVE GORDON III, a teenager, he’s medium in size with straight hair and wears a no design shirt, and baggy shorts held up with suspenders. Never one to say much he writes what he wants expressed or manages to have it pre-printed. He’s kind of mysterious that way.

CARRI KEMPE, early 20’s, often she is seen carrying a laundry basket, as she does other tenants laundry for extra money. She is quite attractive, and knows it. She’s seeing Macrid Gene, the building custodian. Her body language often betrays her words.

JACK SHITT, mid 30’s [name is pronounced the single T variety] usually dressed in all black with shades to hide his eyes. A registered Ninja hunter, he feels they are a plague to be wiped out, if they dishonor the name. Not really evil, just misguided.

HEATHER WHAT, mid 40’s, manager and owner of Fast Food Joint, The newest and fastest growing chain, nationwide. A hard worker, but can be easy going as well. Has a secret or two in her past.

MACRID GENE NINJA, mid 50’s, where’s a solid colored jump suit on the breast pocket is the name, MAC. For his age he looks in great physical shape, partly due to his job, one would wager. Is dating Carrie, so again, he must be doing something right.

JAMES FLERENTAH, mid 40’s when we first see him he’ll be wearing a suit and tie, later much more casual. An IRS agent, he should be no nonsense, but instead is kind of weak and can be easily manipulated.

SASHA BRAYDOE, early 20’s, extremely beautiful, always wears an outfit that lets everyone know it without being in your face at the same time. While she respects Joanna, she has instant feelings for George and isn’t always successful in hiding them.

HEIDI PREMADDONA, mid 20’s, sexy and charming, she is all smiles and seemingly glows in gowns or sequined outfits. A multi¬talented performer: singer, plays instruments, and performs death defying stunts on “volunteers.”

SAMMY, mid 20’s, a thin man with slicked back, black hair, and a mustache. But it looks glued on. Master of ceremonies and Heidi’s assistant at the CLUB HORNY TOAD.

CYNTHIA WORDMERMAIDS, mid 30’s, she wears tasteful pants suits as she is a prosecuting attorney with the downtown courts.

MARLIE TURNER, early to mid 20’s, an overly animated, TV news reporter, looking for the next scoop to help her carrier.

MARILOU “THE BULLDOZER” QUINN, mid 20’s-30’s, tough but fair defense attorney. She wears pull over sweaters that make her look younger.

JED CLARK, local news anchor, in a dress shirt and tie sits at his news desk, thinking he’s God’s gift to the masses.

RICK SPLATIC, male, early to mid 30’s, a bailiff.

JUDGE STEPHON SALE. Early 60’s, Sale wears the black robe and cowboy boots, his hair is cropped short. Can by jovial, but also no nonsense when he has to be tough.

JOEY HART, early 30’s highly annoyed to be stuck with jury duty. Initially and outside of court he’ll wear a ball cap.

DOVE MOON, (age depends on casting) wears shorts and shirt, eyes are hidden by shades and also wears a ball cap. He doesn’t much want to be here but unlike Joey he’s more vocal about it.

SEAN WISH, wears a Hawaiian style shirt and shorts, figures jury duty beats the alternative- standing around the un-employment office.

SAM THOMAS, late 20’s to early 30’s. Wears jeans, and a shirt with a volleyball applique sewed on it and Lady of Mark written above it, and School below it. Wears a whistle around his neck, he’s obvious in several ways that he is a coach. Respectful and almost in awe of his surroundings.

BUCK RENOLDS, [could be a clone of Burt Renolds in his younger days] snaps gum bubbles, and wears jeans and a T-shirt. Hair is slicked back as is his mustache. He has love at first sight with Cynthia, not seeming to care who knows it.

MYSTERY, UNKNOWN MAN, undetermined age, wears all white, is seen briefly entering the courtroom with a tool box.

BOBBY or BOBBI, (male or female) early 20’s, clerk at the counter of No Thrills Airways.

AIRLINE ATTENDANT, VOICE OVER ANNOUNCEMENTS and seen on screen taking boarding passes (Female)

PILOT, CAPTAIN ERIC SHAVE, VOICE OVER ONLY, makes the announcements on a flight. (A little drunk)

GOMEZ VUNICE, mid 30’s, the butler of the Dozalduff estate. He has a thin mustache and is dressed in a full tuxedo complete with tails and he speaks with a noticeable accent.

PIERRE MATEZ, mid 40’s, the gardener of the Dozalduff estate. He also has a thin mustache and dressed in blue jean overalls and a straw hat. He carries a pitch fork and speaks with a French accent.

GINA and JILL, mid 20’s to early 30’s (twins preferred but not mandatory) Weight trained, well-toned, muscly, yet sexy women. Security for the Dozalduff estate.

JERRY MCGEED, early 20’s, the cook dressed all in white. A, carving knife and sharpener in his hands and he’s sharpening the knife as if it were therapeutic.

JESSICA BETRAN, early 60’s, maid, dressed all in black.

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