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Casting Director Workshop – Lisa Zambetti

Actors Workshop Studios 5703 Oberlin Dr., Ste. 210, San Diego

CASTING DIRECTOR: Lisa Zambetti PROJECTS: TV Series and Films FORMAT: Cold Reading Workshop We are excited to have TV and Film Casting Director Lisa Zambetti visiting for a Workshop on May 16. Lisa Zambetti currently casts for the long running CBS hit show “Criminal Minds” and casts for various film projects as well. Lisa is also known [...]


Audition for Corporate Marketing Video

Actors Workshop Studios 5703 Oberlin Dr., Ste. 210, San Diego

TITLE: Coporate Marketing Product VideoOFFER: TBD Based on ExperienceSUBMISSIONS: Creative Agency needs actors for an elegant dinner scene. To be considered, please submit a short video sample to Auditions@ActorsWorkshopStudios.com.CHARACTER(S) BREAKDOWN:– African American male: Age 30-40 – Asian woman (30-40)– White male (30-50)– Hispanic Man (25-40)– Caucasian woman (30-40)Also need a woman to do a jogging [...]


Audition for Short Film

Actors Workshop Studios 5703 Oberlin Dr., Ste. 210, San Diego

STORY: A man is attempting to commit suicide when he's interrupted by a stranger and given a "second" chance to fix the moment that drove him there.AUDITION: Cold-readOFFER: Copy, CreditCHARACTER(S) BREAKDOWN:- Mark (mid 20's - 40) is committing suicide by car exhaust in his garage. He goes through a roller coaster of emotions fairly quick.- Louie [...]

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